UEHR participates to the 10th Anniversary Conference | ENVECON 2014 – 2024 Economics of Natural Resources & the Environment

6-7 December, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece
UEHR participated with two studies at the 10th ENVECON "Economics of Natural Resources & the Environment" held by the University of Thessaly, Specifiacally:
On 06/12/2024, PhD Candidate Panagiotis Koronaios presented parts of UEHR's research on Bioeconomy, partially funded by the European Horizon BIO2REG (https://bio2reg.eu/) project.
On 07/12/2024, Post Doc Researcher Dr. Georgios Maroulis presented parts of UEHR's research on the beyond GDP alternative indicators, funded by the "Transform Europe" network (https://transform-network.net/), especially the estimation of Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) for the Greek economy.